The fashion industry is a multi-trillion dollar industry…
And also one of the top polluting industries on the planet.
We must find a way to curb this; we must find solutions to grow a better future.
We also, must find better more humane methods of wearing & exchanging
couture & high-end designer goods. The fur industry & leather industries are
among the most cruel on earth, no one wants to support that, rather they
want to admit it or not. And turning a blind eye can only last so long before
change… will need to be implemented.
Change ALWAYS needs to happen from the inside out.
I don’t care if you’re referring to a human being, a company or a planet.
Change happens from within.
And as an industry, as aesthetically driven consumers, we must change.
Luckily, in the business world, we have this thing called “supply and demand”
And we can also produce change from the external world that can cause
a ripple effect on the internal shifts of companies. This has been happening
in a number of industries, with the introduction of more & more vegan friendly
products becoming a trend.
But, this is not sustainable change. This just produces more products, more
waste & more pollution. Kind of counter productive for what we as conscious
consumers are aiming for. So… my invitation is to look for more prolonged sustainable
methods. Second hand & consignment shops are great, there are now thrift stores
online & reusing items that can be transformed into something else is admirable.
I also personally, see this fashion rental space shifting into a more refined, more niche,
more humane area of operation. Renting out high-end couture handmade fashion
is a way consumers, both herbivore & conscious omnivore alike; can wear & enjoy
high-end pieces without the enormous price tag & without obligation & while also
being apart of a community that wants to support more humane sustainable practices.
Only with time will fur & animal products in fashion become more and more obsolete.
We cannot control this, nor speed it up.
But, we can appreciate the value that is there, the sacrifices that have been made,
and honor & respect the sacredness of life and death. It may sound detached, but
honoring the death of a sentient being I think is more of what is missing in society
over the eradication of the death in general.
We must produce change.
And not supporting the production of newer animal based products to be made
is a step in the right direction. Along with a plant-based diet & the faux leather
of your choosing, this change will not be made in fighting the old.. but in
building the new.
*With the revamp launch of the company this Spring 2020 I will immediately
be donating 5% of ALL of’s revenues to the following companies
to aid in eliminating factory farming of fur & inhumane treatment of animals within fashion.