California and New York.

Things are not always what they seem. We don’t always get what we want in life.
Sometimes the universe removes hindering distractions in order to give us what we need.

My main goals this past year have been just to stabilize all I am working on.
To position things for optimal growth, to be able to get everything done in the best
capacity, to accomplish what I’m working on, so… needless to say my locations have
remained fluid during this time. I have been in Oregon, California, Colorado; and mostly
will be spending the next while in Northern California to get thru a lot of these launches.
We have a bunch of brands we are building up, designing aesthetics, logos, sites,
internal operations, many things.

I do have a lot going on, so remaining in stable atmosphere’s will be my primary objective
for these builds. Growing & stabilizing all I’m working on & expanding.

California will play a role in the beginning… I don’t mind living in the middle of the forest,
Anywhere I can be where I have all the space I need for my creativity, home offices,
growth & artistic endeavors, I am generally very happy.
Environmental peace is very important to me.
So I’ll be finishing growing everything in the forest by the ocean.

More updates coming soon, our launch timelines are also a bit fluid but we are
continuing to be on track.