Art Tech. Fashion Tech. Travel Tech.

Your life is your purpose.
Live every moment fully & without comparison.
Do not waste time on things that only seek to bring you down.
Do not waste time on non-constructive distractions.

I live for my work.
I live for everything I am creating & building.
AndeAndrea and AP Global are both business babies of mine.
They are very very long term scaleable companies that I plan on doing a lot with over the years.

What so many people in the 9-5 space (or that are not entrepreneurs) fail to realize is…
Business ownership, company building, is a life long endeavor.
The chaos sometimes may subside. Sometimes things will grow LIKE CRAZY &
you will need to catch up, some businesses will fail & you will need to move on.
But over all, your time will be spent investing in the future.

Your future.
The future of the planet.
Hopefully, your companies, like mine; will birth a holistic remedy for many global ailments.
Hopefully, your visions, will seek to improve life on this planet; while also thinking how
we can innovatively advance into a better way of being.

I wish anyone on the entrepreneurial path good luck.
And just know, we are in this for the long run. It is a marathon, not a sprint.