Channeling vs. Catharsis

I have taken some blogging breaks lately, mostly because I’m busy with other things.
And also am just working a ton, I’ll probably be more scarce with blogging until Spring time.

But I wanted to talk on my experience with catharsis vs. channeling with energy in life.
Catharsis being something we have to release energy that has come as a residual of an experience.
And channeling being an energy that is pent up or building from an experience being had or yet to be had.

Those are my personal thoughts on it anyhow, as I have experienced them.
My life is often a constant alteration between catharsis & channeling of my energy,
either I am producing a catharsis or release of some kind into whatever I am doing,
or channeling my energy into whatever I am doing.
Be it art, photography, travel, ideas and conceptual space, or creation of any kind.

I see it all as a form of intuitive flow. A form of creation, either as a release or an expression.
I also believe more people could benefit from accessing these parts of their being and tapping
into the potential that lies within. Potential is a beautiful thing because it’s boundless and limitless.
Only ever muddled or hindered by one’s own belief system or cyclical ways of being.
People can become rather addicted to comfort or familiarity in life and this can also muddle
ones own ability to have a catharsis that is healthy or channel their energy into healthy growth patterns.

I think healthy forms of catharsis can be found in many avenues of life.
It purely comes down to where your focus is, and how you choose to grow.
For me, business/idea space is my biggest catharsis AND channel for my energy.
Most people don’t understand that.
But it is healthy, it is a release, it is a method for me to grow in unexplored ways.
Most people will never understand, and I don’t expect them to.

But I will continue to grow.