Data Collection & Partnerships Begin

Work has now officially started in the partnership and data collection
side of Intui. All branding, web development, app design concepts,
app development team/UI/UX, software, patenting, and creative direction
is mostly finished. Any tweaks with functionality will happen via. app
testing and our beta testing.

I am currently working on all the business partnerships we will need to
collect all of the information to make this app functional & multi-faceted.
The beta run thru for the app should begin mid-2022 , roughly.
I predict things will be mostly finalized and marketing will pick up
steam by 2023. But all branding and vision development has been complete
for quite some time.

So incredibly grateful for the team I have to execute this vision.
It will be a beautiful app.
In total we will have 3 app’s launched within the next 1.5-2 yrs. ; I will
be launching 5-6 apps total tho.

Thank you for keeping up with this project.
Lots to come.