AP Global Growth

AP Global

Hi all! I hope everyone has been watching our growth… we are growing into the hundreds of thousands of Artists & Creators in 2023; 100-500k + our goal is to get to 2 million in […]

Currently closed

Solved for X

Hello! I just wanted to post an update that this company is not currently operating. It was a concept formed by multiple partners and all of us have been entrenched in other endeavors. Solved for […]

How AP Global is helping Artists thrive during an unending pandemic.

AP Global

Aside from just our in house staffing & team, AP Global is doing the most to help Artists gain access to the ability to market and sell their work; and all for free(*when invited). Artists […]

Why Fashion Rental will become socially normalized.


So, as predicted, there is now more and more fashion rental concepts forming and since 2018 more businesses launching in this space. We have a very long term vision built into our company and brand; […]

Social Media Beta & more

AP Global

Did you know that we have a fully interactive Social Media platform we arebuilding in AP Global ?(Sign up here: )We will be in beta for awhile still as we are refining A LOT […]

Why AP Global is the best platform for Artists

AP Global

1. The Art world is massively changing, from virtual galleries to NFT’s to ARsimulations in gallery walk thrus. To downloadable images, video files, accessible private content only, to only digital assets to how the physical […]

Brand & Aesthetic Evolution


Retail in Chicago


It’s coming my loves… The beginning of our real growth is beginning later this year. I hope you all stay along for the ride, we are just getting started.I have so many amazing plans for […]

A retail company with NO reliance on China??


Yes.You heard that correctly. is a specially curated platform that is true sustainability focused. We have started the company with nearly 98% China free products; and over 95% ALL US made. Some of our apparel […]