AndeAndrea NYC & YouTube


The main vision for my personal YouTube this year will be to grow it further into the blogging, vlogging & fashion spaces. I want to really focus on lookbook content to help show anyone thinking […]

New York Fashion Week: pt 1


I’ll be writing a recap of this 2020-21 Fashion week as well as discussing my experiences with fashion weeks & plans I have for AndeAndrea’s involvement. Please enjoy this great video until then, edited by […]

Internal Progress


We are doing a ton of uploads & internal testing the next 2 weeks. So just keeping people updated on some visuals I’ve been working on.I am mostly confident I have all ad & promotional […]



Hitting milestones with any company is important. Deadlines matter.Innovation, the execution of a concept & the unveiling of how a companyoperates, how it unfolds into the world; can be a time consuming process.A lot of […]

Why rent fashion?


Renting, borrowing & bartering are not new concepts. They have been around largely, since the dawn of man; and when men had the ability to obtain and possess things. I remember when I was a […]

Aesthetics & Branding


Just wanted to share some small snippets of images I’ve worked on& designed for the company.

Why retail rental platforms have to be niche’


The future, is niche.  Everything we do, everything we focus on, is becoming more & more hyper focused and more and more fine tuned. As ideas,entrepreneurial paths & concepts all expand; we need to become […]

Promo test video


Here is a promo style video I did, we will have a ton more coming up, but wanted to share.

The End of Fast Fashion.


Ever wonder what made consumer culture boom so much?Ever wonder how that was interconnected to the industrial revolution & other more highly processed states of doing things?“Consumer culture” has been something deeply ingrained in our […]