Data Collection & Partnerships Begin


Work has now officially started in the partnership and data collectionside of Intui. All branding, web development, app design concepts, app development team/UI/UX, software, patenting, and creative directionis mostly finished. Any tweaks with functionality will […]

Why Intui is needed


Intui is honestly a concept I’ve been working on because simply when I travel, I don’t like having to source airline/hotel/travel accommodations & sight seeing ALL from different websites & companies. And no, VRBO is not […]

Algorithm Design


So, Intui is a project I’ve been working on for about 2+ years already.It’s reaching the end of conceptualization & I am refining all the piecesneeded to start beta testing the concept in a year […]

Intui Mission Statement


A proximity & interest-based data company, designed for your likes, desires, and preferences. We are here to fully enhance your travel and tourism experience in the most intuitive way possible.



We are currently working a lot behind the scenes on this concept. Check back regularly, the projected timeline for launch is 2022.