Dealing with terrible people in life.

How do you do this? This is definitely something I think we all have had to deal with in life. Mostly we need to give it no attention. People who take conversations, twist and distort […]

Channeling vs. Catharsis

I have taken some blogging breaks lately, mostly because I’m busy with other things. And also am just working a ton, I’ll probably be more scarce with blogging until Spring time. But I wanted to […]

Moves, Business, Growth

Don’t have too much to update aside from 24/7 work. Might be moving things to Chicago, Atlanta, Austin or Miami next for local marketing growth. We shall see, I am at the whims of work […]

Design + Art Chats on YouTube


Vision Boarding on YouTube?

Yes. That’s right. I started sharing some of my vision boarding on a playlist on my youtube. Check it out if you’d like to see what I do besides work all the time. Ande Andrea […]

Fashion Tech: Phases 1 and 2

So… AndeAndrea as a public ‘brand’ per say, has been around for over 1.5 yrs now; Our first beta launch with only Womens high fashion rentals started end of 2018 into late Spring of 2019. […]

My thoughts, on Sex…

Disclaimer: this blog posting is going to be semi-controversial. But I am going to be open and explicit with my personal views of sex (within reason). Now, I am very PRO-Sex and I would call […]

My Photography

Just showing some photography work I’ve done this past week for

Life is Short.

Remember to love one another and forgive each other. I have slacked on my personal blog posts; but didn’t want to particularly set up a schedule for them when starting this endeavor, because I wanted […]