Inner reflections: Why being more extroverted isn’t ‘growth’

Here are some of my thoughts on growth as an introvert: I’ve never been the kind of person to think you NEED to go outside of your ‘comfort zone’ to grow. I’m not sure if […]

The End of Fast Fashion.

Ever wonder what made consumer culture boom so much? Ever wonder how that was interconnected to the industrial revolution & other more highly processed states of doing things? “Consumer culture” has been something deeply ingrained […]

Will your World be defined by an algorithm?

In short, yes. Algorithm’s define our world, our content, our knowledge of the world more than you may think. An algorithm is showing your search results on Google, it’s showing what comes up on your […]

The Source of Ambition

What is ambition to you? I have often been told very controversial things when it comes to “ambition”. Some love it, some hate it, but no one seems to truly understand it. Learning what ambition […]

Why Fashion will be sustainable by 2045

 The fashion industry is currently on a sustainability trend. This will stay consistent & increase over time as we develop new strategies of renewal & reliable energy sources, fibers & materials for industries that are […]

Failing as an Entrepreneur

Failure, in it’s very essence… is a key component to life. You must overcome obstacles to succeed. You must know what the bitter is… to appreciate the sweet. You know why Winter is one of […]

The New Systems of the Future

Our future is going to be deeply impacted by AI. I think about this kind of thing a lot, especially due to my primary cognitive function being Introverted Intuition. Having Ni dom, when nurtured & […]

The Death of Consumer Culture

Our world is changing. Lab-grown meat, lab-grown organs, cybersex, & ordering anything you want online digitally or physically will soon be the norm. In addition to that, consumer culture is no longer sustainable. We cannot […]

The Experience Economy.

What is an experience economy? It’s the economy that’s built uber, lyft & airbnb, vrbo. Even people treat many dating and social meeting apps as an experience tool, rather than a method to find love. […]