Building the next Social Media expansive platforms

So… I put a lot of thought and work into these concepts.
My life is endlessly about ideas… about building upon and growing those ideas,
into an ever expansive continual organic entity that will further humanity in some way.
Be it connection, be it support for one another, be it inspiration.
All of these things are vital components in life.

I think, honestly, inspiration is very underrated.
I run on inspiration.

I think the tech platforms of the future will be much more all encompassing
and totally expansive not only into the human psyche but also within our
wants and desires as beings in this Universe.
AP Global is much more than an online Art Gallery. Tho the e-commerce
and private build out of the concept are part of phase 1 for the company.
The concept is very very deep and enriching. It factors in holistic components
in healing therapies that will be built into sound therapy with the pop-up exhibitions,
there will be a lot brought globally with this concept. But first we must start
with building full creator and artists community within the platform and allow
it to evolve from there.

I really hope everyone keeps up with this company.
It’s going to be really cool to continue to create, I am always very excited about it.