Dealing with terrible people in life.

How do you do this?
This is definitely something I think we all have had to deal with in life.
Mostly we need to give it no attention.
People who take conversations, twist and distort them, go hyperbolic,
or straight up lie about information.

Truly I am very lucky, I have amazing people in my life,
amazing friends, amazing employees, amazing business partners.
The good ones always stay, while the one’s who screw you over
always need to run and hide because they understand the pain they
may have caused even conversations in passing.

Sometimes tho it’s hard, we don’t find out people are shitty until it’s too late.
We don’t learn our lessons until they’ve twisted the narrative.

My ex’s (only 3 relationships and one INTP fling), are amazing men.
The men I have in my life now, some I am getting close to, are all great guys.
It’s always the bad ones that can’t stick around… either they have bad intentions
or they can’t keep up their facade(not always but there has been a pattern).
I am all about communication.
I don’t like when someone lies to get into my life, and then turns out to
actually be a very hateful, hurtful, bitter, angry being. These people always need
to project onto others, their own pain.
Meditation and mindfulness can always help with this.
But sometimes, after long periods alone our self-worth can fall.
We let the wrong people in.

And what can we do when this happens?
When someone is public and just lies?

We have to let them go with love.
No matter how much they may not be able to deal with their own wrong doings.
You always have to make peace with the fact that some people are just too far gone.
They will never change.
They will just get worse.
They will twist words and narratives and won’t just be honest.

And that’s ok.
Luckily, terrible people don’t ever stay in my life.
It’s always a quick in and out because the signs are too great.
I think over all with this post…

I want to wish everyone incredible self-insight.
I wish you peace. And understanding.
I sincerely hope anyone who has wronged me, and reads this,
understands that I forgive you. I am usually open about those things
and always willing to talk so there is never bad blood in my life.

I wish you incredible healing, and I’m sorry if i was not strong enough when I needed to be.