Failure, in it’s very essence… is a key component to life.
You must overcome obstacles to succeed. You must know what the bitter is… to appreciate the sweet.
You know why Winter is one of my favorite seasons?
Because it’s cold. Because it’s introspective & inspiring. Because it allows me to focus on my
ideas, and dreams and truly be grateful for the basics.. such as warmth, shelter, food, water.
Summer… just doesn’t do that for me.
But Winter.. is hardship, and in that hardship is beauty.
In that hardship is growth.
But it all comes down to how you respond. How you deal with life.
Do you let things keep you down for long periods of time?
Or do you brush yourself off & try again?
The entrepreneur path is an endless lesson in failing your way to the top.
Finding out many paths that may not work, but finding the ones that do.
Being Ni dom in my function stack I often am very tunnel visioned. But.. I do
entertain better ideas for success. I think everyone should. We cannot live our lives inside boxes.
Last year, I lost nearly a 120k in business. Not from net profit losses, some from private investments,
and the majority from a shady development company that ended up taking advantage of the fact
I was young, business minded & had money.
The snakes that exist in the world will forever astonish me. Luckily, my lessons were learned,
and I am much better equipt to build a bigger stronger better company; and focus on the expansion
of all of my projects with a much wiser mindset.
Anyhow, I spent about 2-3 months in a deep depression last summer due to these set backs.
It’s money and time I will never recover.
Maybe I will make a video or go indepth on the experience.
But what I have learned… is if you cant stop thinking about it.
Never give up on it.