Here are some of my thoughts on growth as an introvert:
I’ve never been the kind of person to think you NEED to go outside of your
‘comfort zone’ to grow. I’m not sure if the correlation between lack of comfort & growth
is always as strong as people seem to believe.
I think, mostly, drive & motivation determine growth.
Often to, I have found that sometimes being TO outside of your comfort zone
and TO “new new new” focused produces a lot of chaos, unknown, and
can do more damage than good in the – “name of growth”.
For some people, I have noticed having too much change all at once not only
does damage to them but also can scar them in a way or make them jaded in some
ways. Personally, I have found cultivating self-growth & self insight to be the most
beneficial when learning how & why using more extroverted characteristics aid growth.
From my life experiences I have mostly been forced into being extroverted, either due to
modeling, due to “being invited everywhere VIP”(often I decline), starting ballet at the age of 3,
or performing in general. Also with starting my YouTube I have learned there are very extroverted
methods for videos & very introverted methods you can utilize. I hope to find an equilibrium,
because forcing extroversion onto myself often just ends up messy.
I have learned I can be “extroverted” for periods of time when I need to, usually 1-2 hrs,
then my energy reserves are spent & I need to recharge. Anything more than that is VERY
stressful and anxiety inducing for me.
So for other introverts I believe it is wise to only pay attention to when extroversion ‘feels’
positive & growth oriented. Yes you will need to feel uncomfortable at first, and adjust
sometimes; but also don’t push yourself into feeling obligated to extrovert more than you
think is healthy.
Knowing these levels of introversion & extroversion and where your personal comfort levels
lie will be different for everyone. But gaining self-insight and awareness to understand this
is merely a component of self-mastery.
I think extroversion has it’s time & place.
But for others who are deeply introverted like myself, extroversion can be used as a tool
for self-growth & self-mastery, but should not come at your internal expense.
Meaning, being naturally prone to introversion, THIS is where you will find the most growth
in life. This is where you will be able to grow in areas mentally that may not develop
as readily with too much extroversion.
I hope this topic brings up some valid points and highlights some things I think more
people should pay credence to. And maybe spend sometime yourself focusing on
how much alone time you personally need & where your preferences are.
Thanks for reading.