Living off grid & building the future

I am a city girl. I have always lived in cities, some of them being…
Phoenix, San Francisco/Menlo Park, Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Baltimore,
Denver, New York City, & the list goes on a bit more…
Over all I have lived in 15 major cities in the USA, some of them twice.
I have only truly ever lived in the forest in the Redwoods in Arcata, California
for places that have been more remote. I personally love nature, I love cities that
are able to merge nature & city, as well as be progressive in their environmental
initiatives. I have always wanted to live off grid as well, but wasn’t sure how I could
make all of that happen, yet still ‘work’ in ‘the city’.

So, I believe my compromise will be living more in the country & nature out in
Mass/Connecticut between NYC & Boston regions and having that be my main home.
I do plan on having a loft or office space in Manhattan or Brooklyn as well in the future.
I also would love to have a few vacation homes (currently I only have a rental &
investment property; not places I actually live), so for those more remote ones I have sought
real estate on the Oregon coast & in the mountains in Colorado.
Potentially Breckenridge or Aspen areas.

However I am also open to something nice in Florida; but we will see as time goes on.

When it comes to my personal desires & how I would like to continue to curate my life,
I see myself primarily living in Iceland & NYC regions ; with some time in London & Moscow.
But over all, those are the main areas I would like to spend most of my time.

I do want to have something off the grid because I find more remote living & isolation
to be the most peaceful. But over all, just wanted to share some thoughts on location,
living, and the curation of the future.