Manufacturing Success

Have you thought about what makes you successful? How do you personally define success?

Is it a life goal, a material possession, a state of being of some kind?
Is it having your dream job, your dream hour, or being married to a person? Family?

When engaging on this journey of growth, I think that defining these things is very important.
Success is never an overnight thing, it is always a work in progress.
It is always an internal shift and a lifestyle change that needs to be made in you.

There are systems and calculated structures in place to allow you to take action towards your dreams,
but you need to define them first. A huge part of life is knowing what your priorities are.
It’s finding out what matters most, so you can focus on it… grow from it..
and hopefully become a better person, with better values, and better vision for whatever it is you define as “success”

The process that we all undergo by defining our own path and also becoming happier
and more satisfied with where we are in life. In many ways I truly think “comfort” is
a big fulfillment factor for many people. So it is probable to say that safety, stability & security
are factors that play a role in having comfort and therefore having success.

Think about your goals and dreams and what success means to you.
Take steps to make it a reality as much as you possibly can. You are truly the master of your own destiny,
so go after what’s truly important to you.