Moving to Miami

Well I made my decision.
This is what real freedom in life looks like I suppose.
Living where ever I want, whenever I want, or being somewhere only for work.

My life is mostly guided by my intuition, my execution of that intuition can be….
soft, sometimes. But even if something takes me longer than I wanted, I always get the job done.

So originally, I had visited Florida a bunch to potentially move here a couple years ago
when I had decided on Portland. It was between Oregon & Florida at that time for me,
I chose Oregon because my soul honestly needed it. It was an expensive life lesson
in some ways, but over all, it was a nourishing experience and taught me a lot.
I truly love Oregon and the coast is one of my favorite places on earth.
More majestic than most places you could internationally travel to.

Florida has always been an interesting state, with interesting energy.
I really love parts of it, like Miami, FTL, Boca Raton, and I have SOO many friends here,
so many New York friends and east coast friends here, it’s really a blessing.
I love the east coast so much. I vibe so well with the people here. It’s home.
I’ve always felt even tho my spirit longs for Oregon, my soul belongs in New York.

So, Florida is definitely a decent 2nd for now to help me keep growing my businesses,
focus on expansion and move north from here later on. I can really be virtually anywhere
nearly anytime I want. I guess most people don’t know that kind of freedom tho.

Plans for the year, aside from endless work; are I will be going to Iceland & London, UK
a bit later this year. Perhaps Iceland first? Spring time is the best time for Aurora Borealis.
I really want to get the vibe for the country tho as I’d eventually like a country abode there.
And London I’ll be going to I think around my birthday in August.
I’ll be meeting with some investors for meetings I already have lined up, and
also seeing if I end up doing a second company location spot or what.
I’ll just be exploring. I might make it a company trip too, we will see.

Anyhow, those are my main updates. I still have awhile to feel ‘settled’ in Miami,
lots to do still, but figured I’d briefly update the world.
