Tech Platforms for Digital Nomads

The World is changing.
We are evolving and growing as a species.
And growth, is painful.

So I believe in order to further evolve our understanding of business, money,
growth, abundance… we need to have better systems built globally that
allow this flourishing to occur.
We are getting there… a lot of businesses are popping up that are understanding
that consistent affordable travel is the future, that drone delivery of limitless wardrobe
options is coming, and that we will all be more and more globalized & homogenized.
These things can be good and bad, as all growth is. We will change a lot.

Rapid growth via global tech platforms that allow for the basic small business owner
to monetize and commercialize their ‘essence’ and value as much as they like, I believe,
is only going to increase. I think the unicorns that were Airbnb & Uber are only the beginning
of this style of business. It will grow 100 fold and evolve with massive innovation, as it
already is. The more innovative the better.

And as Tory Burch says… “Innovation in business is what gives us purpose”.

What kind of innovation do you see happening in the future?
What kind of platforms do you think would best suit your lifestyle?
Will you travel a lot… will you build a family… will you invest in something?

The innovation happening behind the scenes of many companies is very inspiring for me.
We have so much to build and so much growth to complete as a human species.
Always be open to change, it is what will push us into the thoughts and mind of the future.
It is what will push thought form into the future that will then create reality.