So…. society is in a big pinnacle shift right now.. generationally traditions have been much more
intact because the family unit was much more intact. In western society, this has been slowly decaying
with the new millennium and many people just wanting different things.
Technological changes have all influenced this as well, and in turn, it all connects to buying trends
among the youth and among families.
Generationally many families who worked and invested in real estate, now still do, but because
a lot of social concepts are changing and technology is changing it’s going to force some change here as well.
With co-parenting on the rise, broken families becoming the norm and people picking up traveling as
the normal way to live all the time, things are becoming more and more tech-focused, as well as more concentrated.
Many industries are becoming feast or famine.
When you think about it market cycles of the past were generated because of things always
being the same in other industries. Or just much slower advancements and changes occurring
due to social normalcy as well as ridge thinking and corporate structures.
I am going to write more on this topic in the near future… but I just find all of the connections to be very fascinating.