Our world is changing.
Lab-grown meat, lab-grown organs, cybersex, & ordering anything you want online digitally or physically will soon be the norm.
In addition to that, consumer culture is no longer sustainable. We cannot globally keep the pace of the past 50+ years of consumer growth. Especially with technological waste & other wasteful products constantly filling landfills, not only are we now at the forefront of better waste disposal systems & recycling methods. But we have to rethink our culture’s addiction to products. Addiction to consumption.
This is where new business models, new methods of purchasing things, & new methods of gaining that consumer dopamine fix will soon be the norm of most businesses. With our world population growing, in mostly western consumption culture driven countries too by the way (ie. India & China), we are going to really need to change these global models.
These global norms.
“Consumer culture” in an essence will always exist in some capacity, it’s just going to be falling by the waist side as newer more efficient business models come into fruition. Newer business models in niche markets will become more normalized. Newer more all-encompassing businesses with integrity & high authenticity will become the norm.
Fast fashion, consumption branding & Black Friday…. all these things will become something of the past. Those companies that operate within a moral & ethical framework will become the new MVP’s. Artists will become the new multi-millionaires. & Non-profits will be looked at in a new light. The allure of consumption will fall away, as we become a more evolved and more fulfilled species on this planet.