The Source of Ambition

What is ambition to you?
I have often been told very controversial things when it comes to “ambition”.
Some love it, some hate it, but no one seems to truly understand it.
Learning what ambition is from it’s source I think is a vital component in seeing
how someone ticks. What is driving their ambition and why?
Being an ambitious woman, I have often been set apart from many other females
in my life. I’m not competitive with other females like so many women seem to be.
I am competitive with myself & improving myself; so that is my primary focus.
I’ve dated multi-billionaires in NYC and rejected them because not only did they
not really understand my ambition or my ideas and what I was working towards,
they only seemed to want arm candy. Not a woman with a mind, a brain, a vision.
I have found, often, in the dating world most men do not like this.

(I only make reference to that because most women tend to chase men with
money & status; and those have never been driving factors for me when it comes to a partner)

If you search on YouTube or Google you will find video after video, article after article,
either rooting FOR ambition, and some talking about the downfalls. I personally think
that people tend to idealize & romanticize ambition without ever taking into account
the full weight of what it really is. Ambition has been the source of great accomplishment
in my life, and also the source of stubbornness and loss.
It comes with it’s own set of unique flaws that I personally have gotten to know well.
Ambition often feels akin to a moth to a flame…
Either I am the moth to my ambition or the people who love ambitious women
are the moths to my flame.
Which one? Probably both. 

Ambition is technically defined as : 
a strong desire to do or to achieve something,
typically requiring determination and hard work.
The source of this affliction? Perhaps biological, pre-natal, or nurtural in essence.
I personally was raised by a mother that truly defined many things in life by
success. She thought achievement was everything. So I know that had an impact
on me growing up, my goals, my wants & desires.
I think ambition, like many things, has a variety of variables at play when it comes
to the true source of why it’s there. Sometimes I just think many of us are born
with an innate desire to achieve & fulfill something greater than ourselves.

Learning how to balance that desire in with actually having an enriched life is the tough part.