Those who try and drag you down are already beneath you

It’s interesting isn’t it? The amount of sayings we can find to confirm a belief.
The amount of life quotes we can search for to validate an emotion or experience.
I always find thinking about the in-depth nature of confirmation bias interesting.

Sometimes these sayings are very true and accurate to our lives.
Sometimes they are only there to confirm a delusion.
How in tune with reality you are, is what will define this.

When people feel the need to attack and belittle others, this shows a general
lacking in themselves and who they are as a person. Maybe they are just addicts.
Maybe they are just bored and have nothing better to do with their lives.
I know when I have been at low or immature points, I have never blatantly attacked
anyone but more attempted to warn a few others who I feel this person may do damage to.

Now, after my mother died, was a different “me” entirely; it took me years to process that.
Only the past year or so have I even began to normalize.
I have been very open with how picky I am.
I have been transparent of my standards.
I have always been very honest about how long deep & meaningful
connections matter to me.
I am not for everyone.
I require a lot of time, energy & trust as an investment before I will open up.

If these things are not provided by my partner, then I remain closed
and show only what I want them to see. Or small pieces.
And if I don’t deem someone trustworthy, I never let them in.
And trust, takes a lot of time. It’s not something that happens in a few months.

Everyone has different standards and “emotional protocols” if you will.
I for one will not date someone who does drugs regularly(including weed),
drinks regularly, and isn’t independent & self-sufficient.
Having these “issues” after the age of 26, is frankly, unacceptable.
Unless for some small reason you are on VERY hard times, or say building
a company & need to stay at home for maybe 3-5 months, max, then…. I can see it.
But definitely not for years, especially when you can’t even keep a job.

I have read up a bit lately on how men who are too feminine have a tendency to
“bite the hand that feeds”, I agree with this and also with people in general that can
harbor a lot of repressed anger towards the opposite sex.
I find this incredibly unhealthy for relationships,
I think it creates all kinds of emotional storms that can be prevented if you just
learn how to adult properly and learn how to enforce boundaries.

I hope that anyone dealing with this global shift in energy comes out
of it all a better person. I hope that people find the peace they seek,
and for those struggling with demons, I hope you can tolerate your own
reflection in the mirror.
