Why rent fashion?

Renting, borrowing & bartering are not new concepts. They have been around largely,
since the dawn of man; and when men had the ability to obtain and possess things.
I remember when I was a little girl in school so many other girls wanted to borrow my clothes.

Including the ones that picked on me or bullied me, largely due to jealousy; but still that
concept of ‘borrowing’ existed as a norm. It was something I saw many people do,
especially girls growing up. Borrowing each others outfits, shoes, and style tips.
Women will always bond over aesthetics, I believe it’s in our DNA.

So why not, as adults, as growing teens turning into young adults; do we not rent?
Why do we buy EVERYTHING? From a growth and sustainability stand point, the consumer
culture without consciousness makes no sense. We must evolve as consumers.
Making wiser more sustainable decisions for our future.
I believe having more businesses come out with this offering for items will really
expand what is available in the retail world. And really enhance the current fashion retail
space. I believe renting high-end, niche’, couture attire is going to be a strong force in the
near future. Especially for centennials & generations concerned about the well being of
the planet. Sustainability may not play a role when it comes to basic consumer fashion,
but when you are factoring in hard to find, high-end fashion, it does aid in the carbon footprint
minimization; as well as allows you to have the freedom for an ever expanding digital wardrobe.

When you have access to others wardrobe & a rental platform that manages that; the
possibilities in outfits for major events is virtually endless! You can find something edgy,
or something soft, and also with many different companies emerging in this space…
you can also customize the company that works for YOU and YOUR needs.
Which is also something I find fascinating and innovative about the rental concept.
It’s completely customizable.